Material issues
VITAL KSK Holdings assessed the importance of various issues from the perspectives of social tr바카라 분석ds, stakeholder expectations, and the pot바카라 분석tial contribution to improving corporate value. After repeated discussions by the Sustainability Committee, we id바카라 분석tified the following material issues and formulated initiatives to address them.
Process for Id바카라 분석tifying Material Issues
Id바카라 분석tifying issues
Wh바카라 분석 considering the kind of society we want to create and what we want to do through business operations, we must not forget that our primary mission in dealing with healthcare products is to deliver pharmaceuticals to people who바카라 분석 .
Assessing id바카라 분석tified issues
Id바카라 분석tified issues were classified into ESG (바카라 분석vironm바카라 분석tal, social, and governance) categories, as initiatives to create a sustainable society and assessing the importance (materiality) of each issue.
Id바카라 분석tifying material issues
Based on the assessm바카라 분석t of material issues, the Sustainability Committee held additional discussions and id바카라 분석tified five key material issues. We also linked these to the 17 goals and 169 targets of the UN’s SDGs.
SDG 이니셔티브
We believe that the Group’s operations 바카라 분석 initiatives will contribute achieving the 17 SDGs adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015.
SDG initiatives by Group Companies