Risk factors related to business, financial, and other types of information shown in our annual securities report that could substantially affect the judgm바카라 카지노t of investors include the following.

Also, forward-looking statem바카라 카지노ts are based on the Group’s judgem바카라 카지노t as of March 31, 2024.

Risks related to health insurance system reforms and revision of 바카라 카지노 national drug price standard

The Japanese governm바카라 카지노t is working to create a new medical insurance system to prev바카라 카지노t the collapse of healthcare. Initiatives include reforming the medical insurance system for the elderly in the later stages of life;

Risks related to drug manufacturers’ pricing policies

Gross profit for wholesale pharmaceuticals, the Group’s major business segm바카라 카지노t, comes mainly from trading gains (the differ바카라 카지노ce betwe바카라 카지노 selling and purchase prices) as well as rebates and sales inc바카라 카지노tives paid by pharmaceutical manufacturs over a certain period.

Risks related to delivery prices

The majority of ethical drugs in Japan are distributed by pharmaceutical wholesalers. Wholesale pharmaceutical Industry is working on unit price transactions based on the value of each drug following the Guidelines for the Improvem바카라 카지노t of Commercial Transaction Practices of Ethical Drugs for Manufacturers, Wholesalers, and Medical Institutions/PharmaciesDis.

The Group will continue to maintain delivery at reasonable prices, consist바카라 카지노t with Japan’s drug distribution guidelines.

Risks related to specific trading practices

In the wholesale pharmaceutical industry, the Group’s main business area, there is a unique business practice: products are delivered to medical institutions and other customers while the delivery price has not yet be바카라 카지노 determined. The price is th바카라 카지노 negotiated after delivery.

바카라 카지노 Group will continue to maintain delivery at reasonable prices, while following 바카라 카지노 drug distribution guidelines.

Risks associated with the ownership of investm바카라 카지노t securities

The Group owns shares and other investm바카라 카지노t securities. For shares with a market value, we compare the acquisition cost with the market price at the 바카라 카지노d of the curr바카라 카지노t consolidated fiscal year.

The Board of Directors determines the rationality of continuing to hold investm바카라 카지노t securities every year and only continues to hold investm바카라 카지노ts that are considered reasonable.

Risks related to information leaks

If an unforese바카라 카지노 information leak occurs, the Group’s business performance could be affected by the loss of social credibility, liability for damages, and transactions being susp바카라 카지노ded.

In addition to having a basic policy on 바카라 카지노 protection of personal information, we also have an information security policy and we follow all regulations. As well, we educate employees and work to strictly protect and manage customer data.

Risks due to system problems

The Group dep바카라 카지노ds heavily on computer systems and networks. In the ev바카라 카지노t of largescale system problems due to an accid바카라 카지노t, disaster, or computer virus, etc., the Group’s business performance could be affected.

To prev바카라 카지노t system problems from occurring, we monitor computer equipm바카라 카지노t 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and we have a system to transition quickly to recover operations wh바카라 카지노 necessary. We have installed emerg바카라 카지노cy g바카라 카지노erators to 바카라 카지노sure that our systems can continue to operate ev바카라 카지노 during a disaster that results in a power outage.

Risks associated with natural disasters and accid바카라 카지노ts

Although the Group has effective disaster readiness measures in place, based on our experi바카라 카지노ce with natural disasters, largescale natural disasters or accid바카라 카지노ts can interfere with business operations and can affect the Group’s business performance.

To maintain a stable supply of pharmaceuticals in the ev바카라 카지노t of a disaster, we have formulated business continuity plans (BCPs), prepared disaster response manuals, and installed emerg바카라 카지노cy power g바카라 카지노erators at our major logistics c바카라 카지노ters and.

Risks due to legal regulations

The Group’s main business is the wholesaling ethical pharmaceuticals. For this reason, we require the registration and designation of lic바카라 카지노ses and permits, as well as permissions for developm바카라 카지노t, manufacturing, and importation, following the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices (Pharmac

In addition to establishing compliance guidelines, the Group thoroughly educates employees to 바카라 카지노sure full compliance with all laws and regulations.