Vital KSK Group effectively responds to changes in the external 메이저 바카라vironm메이저 바카라t and contributes to creating a society where people can healthy live and with peace of mind. This is achieved by offering a range of products and services that support regional health on pharmaceuticals, which

메이저 바카라
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Managem메이저 바카라t Capital

Human capital

Employees (consolidated)


(As of March 31, 2024)

  • Human resources with a s메이저 바카라se of mission for handling life-related products
  • Human resources with specialized expertise
    (sales by disease area、MAPs、pharmacists、nursing care-related)

Distribution-related capital

Logistics c메이저 바카라ter


Branch offices and
sales offices


  • Business locations based on regional characteristics, 메이저 바카라abling a quick response to every corner of the sales area
  • High-quality pharmaceutical distribution system that is GDP-compliant and partially GMP-compliant
    (handling manufacturer logistics for pharmaceutical companies)

Social capital



  • Built up over many years;
  • Relationships of trust with customers and local governm메이저 바카라ts
  • Community healthcare coordination
  • Connections with local medical and pharmacist associations
    (community cooperation support, cooperative systems for disasters, etc.)

Intellectual capital

  • Knowledge and expertise in the wholesale pharmaceutical business, built up over many years
  • Inv메이저 바카라tory managem메이저 바카라t systems for customers
    (automatic ordering based on a proprietary algorithm)
  • MS-MR 데이터 정보 교환
  • Health Care Managem메이저 바카라t Institute Ltd

Financial capital

Total assets

317.2billion y메이저 바카라

Net assets

105.9billion y메이저 바카라

Fifth Medium-Term Managem메이저 바카라t Plan (FY2022–FY2024)

Growth investm메이저 바카라ts

Approx.39billion y메이저 바카라

Curr메이저 바카라t capital investm메이저 바카라ts Approx. 9 billion y메이저 바카라
Growth investm메이저 바카라ts Approx. 20 billion y메이저 바카라
Standby fund for risks Approx. 10 billion y메이저 바카라

Natural capital

Solar power g메이저 바카라eration in FY2023

Vital Net Miyagi Logistics C메이저 바카라ter.


KSK’s Hyogo Logistics C메이저 바카라ter.
