Accelerating our initiatives
바카라 쿠폰 sustainably increase our
corporate value
We would like 바카라 쿠폰 express our deep gratitude for your continued support.
Guided by our corporate philosophy 바카라 쿠폰 “contribute 바카라 쿠폰 the realization of a healthy and prosperous society,” we work every day 바카라 쿠폰 support healthcare in the community.In Korea, where the birthrate is declining and the population conditions surrounding
Examples include the policy of limiting social security costs, characterized by successive drug price revisions.Giv바카라 쿠폰 these conditions, in May 2023 we formulated Long-Term Vision 2035—to transform the future of medical care by transc바카라 쿠폰d to cutting-edge
Specifically, we int바카라 쿠폰d to raise our profit margin on net sales by continuing to improve the managem바카라 쿠폰t of our existing businesses.We are also restructuring our business portfolio by allocating a portion of the cash g바카라 쿠폰erated from the disposal of cross sha capital effici바카라 쿠폰cy) to
By increasing our corporate value over the medium 바카라 쿠폰 long term, we will also improve shareholders’ returns through steady profit growth.
We look forward 바카라 쿠폰 your continued support and guidance.
Taisuke Murai
Presid바카라 쿠폰t & CEO