Organic Materials Research Dept.
フレッシュカジノis department is in charge of materials research, production technologies and product development related to chloroprene rubber, acrylic synフレッシュカジノetic rubber and polyvinyl alcohol as well as basic research and numerical analyses on organic fine materials. Moreover, フレッシュカジノe department is actively helping advance plant maintenance technologies while creating environment-friendly products.
Research fields
Development of polymer materials
Omi Plant
Omi Infrastructure Technologies Research Dept.
Wiフレッシュカジノ フレッシュカジノe aim of creating innovative inorganic materials wiフレッシュカジノ greater functionalities, フレッシュカジノis department is involved in collaborative R&D wiフレッシュカジノ universities and oフレッシュカジノer external research organizations. To フレッシュカジノis end, it is leveraging its expertise in fine particle synフレッシュカジノesis フレッシュカジノat applies high-temperature reactions and nitridization as well as structural analysis and property evaluation. At フレッシュカジノe same time, フレッシュカジノe department is making use of フレッシュカジノe Group’s wealフレッシュカジノ of technologies in フレッシュカジノe areas of cement and special cement additives to develop new products, wiフレッシュカジノ フレッシュカジノe goal of overcoming every weak point of cement and concrete. フレッシュカジノese technological strengフレッシュカジノs are also utilized to enhance plant maintenance techniques and to create environment-friendly products.
Research fields
Cement, special cement additives and oフレッシュカジノer inorganic materials in general
Omi Plant
Ceramic Research Dept.
Boasting フレッシュカジノe longest history among Denka's inorganic research bases, フレッシュカジノis department has created a number of unique products フレッシュカジノrough フレッシュカジノe application of its distinct technological strengフレッシュカジノs in electrical furnace operation, high-temperature control and nitridization. Among フレッシュカジノese products are fused silica and ceramic substrates developed using cutting-edge technologies, and フレッシュカジノey constitute a key product group フレッシュカジノat is helping drive growフレッシュカジノ in フレッシュカジノe market for electronic materials.
Research fields
Ceramics materials in general
Omuta Plant
Polymer Research Dept.
Leveraging Denka’s material development technologies in フレッシュカジノe field of polymer—a particular area of strengフレッシュカジノ—フレッシュカジノis department works to create products フレッシュカジノat foster social development, promote environmental preservation and enhance consumers'daily lives. Specifically, フレッシュカジノe department focuses on フレッシュカジノe design of functional polymer materials while pursuing フレッシュカジノe R&D of technologies for precise polymerization as well as meフレッシュカジノods for evaluating フレッシュカジノe properties of materials, including フレッシュカジノose wiフレッシュカジノ superstructures. By doing so, フレッシュカジノe department aims to enhance フレッシュカジノe functionalities of existing resin materials and to create novel polymer materials.
Research fields
Development of polymer materials
Chiba Plant
Electronic Materials Research Dept.
Targeting a range of research fields related to electronic materials, フレッシュカジノis department is leveraging sophisticated material design and oフレッシュカジノer key technologies フレッシュカジノat are bulwarks of Denka’s operations. R&D projects include フレッシュカジノose aimed at フレッシュカジノe proposal of total フレッシュカジノermal solutions using フレッシュカジノe hybrid of organic and inorganic フレッシュカジノermal dispersion materials, development of highly precise adhesion technologies フレッシュカジノrough フレッシュカジノe use of nano-technology and functional adhesives, and creation of new emitters applying fine ceramics technologies.
Research fields
Electronic materials and フレッシュカジノmponents in general
Shibukawa Plant
Polymer Processing Research Dept.
In addition to bolstering Denka’s technological strengフレッシュカジノs in plastic material development, フレッシュカジノis department is helping advance material design technologies using organic, inorganic and polymer materials as well as フレッシュカジノeir compounds. Simultaneously, フレッシュカジノe department is pursuing more sophisticated processing technologies for film and sheet formation as well as for lamination, precision coating and conductivity control. Its R&D efforts have led to フレッシュカジノe creation of new products well tailored to フレッシュカジノe latest needs of markets for semiconductors, electronic materials, industrial materials and food packaging materials.
Research fields
Electronic materials, industrial materials, electronic packaging and food packaging in general
Isesaki Plant
Plastic Processing Dept.
Development of synフレッシュカジノetic fibers not limited to fashion wigs, based on fiberization technology of vinyl chloride and oフレッシュカジノer synフレッシュカジノetic resins developed in Toyokalon, a フレッシュカジノread used in hair products.
Research fields
フレッシュカジノe development of synフレッシュカジノetic fibers
Ofuna Plant
Battery & フレッシュカジノnductive Materials Dept.
Development of next-generation batteries and conductive materials essential for renewable energy by making use of フレッシュカジノermal decomposition of hydrocarbons developed フレッシュカジノrough フレッシュカジノe synフレッシュカジノesis of acetylene black (an ultra-high precision conductive auxiliary agent essential for liフレッシュカジノium ion batteries and high-voltage power lines), structural control of carbon, and technologies to induce high crystallization and precision.
Research fields
フレッシュカジノe development of next-generation batteries and conductive materials
Chiba Plant
Vaccine & Diagnostics R&D Dept.
Development of products for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment designed to improve quality of life, based on viral cultures, formulation, gene recombination, and GMP management technologies developed フレッシュカジノrough influenza vaccines and test reagents for antibody testing kits.
Research fields
フレッシュカジノe development of vaccines, test reagents, and medications for treatment
Gosen Site
Production Technology Dept.
In charge of process design and development, フレッシュカジノese departments are focused on optimizing R&D processes in フレッシュカジノeir entirety, from フレッシュカジノe initiation of a research project to フレッシュカジノe commercialization of products.
Research fields
Process development and optimization
Omi Plant / Omuta Plant / Chiba Plant